Dairy Expo Tech 2024 in Italien

JUMO in Piacenza

Als führender System- und Lösungsanbieter freuen wir uns, unsere neuesten Innovationen erstmals auf der Dairy Expo Tech 2024 zu präsentieren.
Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit für den persönlichen Austausch!

Gleich registrieren und Gratis-Ticket erhalten!
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Modern technology and quality control in the dairy industry

Recognizing innovations and future trends

Dairy Summit & Dairy Tech Summit

Experience an intensive exchange on current trends, market developments and digitalization in the dairy industry at a two-day Dairy Summit. On 5 December, the focus will be on new nutrition trends and innovations in the dairy industry, while on 6 December everything will revolve around the optimization of production processes through digitalization and automation.

Find out more and get your free ticket
Learn everything about innovations and new products in a target-oriented way
Experience products and solutions live
Opportunity to participate in conferences and training courses


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Sie haben Fragen?

Valentina Borracci



+39 02 241 35524 Senden Sie uns eine E-Mail