
Conductivity measurement

If water evaporates in the cooling tower water cycle then the concentration of remaining salts rises constantly. This increased salinity can be monitored with a measuring device for electrolytic conductivity to be able to prevent this process. In conjunction with the JUMO ecoLine Ci inductive conductivity and temperature sensor the JUMO AQUIS 500 Ci transmitter and controller is perfect for desalination control thanks to its switching contacts.

Process data

Our solution for desalination

Using reliable conductivity measurement to counteract thickening

Our solution for desalination control

Evaporative cooling towers bring with them the risk of water "thickening". When the water evaporates, the dissolved salt is precipitated. Due to the increased ion concentration this effect can be measured and caught appropriately through the conductivity of the water. We can offer you measurement and control technology with complete process reliability for this task in the form of the JUMO ecoLine Ci conductivity electrode and the JUMO AQUIS 500 Ci. If you would like to record the measured values, alongside the electrode we recommend the multichannel JUMO AQUIS touch S as it replaces the transmitters and controllers for other measurands (pH, turbidity, chlorine, or bromine) and can be integrated in digital systems.

Your contact

Industry Water and Wastewater

Matthias Kremer +49 661 6003 402 +49 661 6003 402