What does EHEDG stand for?

EHEDG is the short form of the expert association European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group, founded in 1989. The objectives of the EHEDG are: To raise awareness of hygiene in food processing and packaging. To contribute to hygienic engineering and design in all areas of food production. To ensure safe food production. To support European legislation with guidelines for hygienic food handling, processing and packaging using hygienic machinery and in a hygienic environment.

Pasteur in a dairy

Pasteur in a dairy


Hygienic process connection adapter system

The adapter system is available for measuring devices of the measurands temperature, pressure and conductivity. The parts of the adapter system that come into contact with the product are made of 1.4435 (316L) stainless steel with FDA-compliant seals. The system is easy to clean due to the dead space-free assembly and the hygienic design and it is specially adapted to the requirements of the food industry, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology. Due to the different process connections (weld-in socket, orbital weld-in socket,clamp, aseptic according to DIN 11864-1 and VARIVENT®), the system is highly versatile and suitable for any application.

Advantages of JUMO PEKA
img alt text Easy to clean
img alt text 2 High process reliability
img alt text 3 Saves storage costs
Hygienic sensors are used, for example, in fermentation and storage.

Hygienic sensors are used, for example, in fermentation and storage.

EHEDG-certified for highest hygienic standards

Your benefits

Hygienic conductivity, temperature, and pressure sensors from JUMO meet these requirements and have been certified by the EHEDG. This means that food and beverage manufacturers can rely on the hygienic design of the sensors and process connections.

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